Sunday, August 25, 2013

Be Strong & Courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9


It's amazing how God speaks and moves in our lives. Recently God has been teaching me to completely trust in Him and be STRONG & COURAGEOUS. He knows exactly what I need. (Of Course!) 
The other week I attended the Willow Creek Leadership Summit. It was incredible! I was blown away by how these people spoke God's words right into my heart. It was two full days of so much wisdom. Greg even asked me when we were driving Friday night.... "Why are you so quiet?" My poor little brain was still processing the excessive amount of information that had been stored in it over the past 48 hours.
It was so good though to learn ideas and key ways to be a better leader at work and TNT and even in my own life. I'm beyond blessed that I was able to attend. I'm already looking forward to next year and hoping to return.
The theme verse was Joshua 1:9.

We as leaders need to make the stand. Standing up for what we believe in. Doing what God calls us to do even if they are big scary things. Working hard at what we do. Taking the time to fully listen to people and connect with them. (This is a biggie for me)

I have a bad habit of packing my schedule so full that I hardly have any time to from point A to point B. Alright lets face it.... I don't always leave enough time. Then I end up frustrated at people whether they are in the line in front of me at the store.... or driving. This is one area I really want to work on in my life. Slow down.... listen to people and speak LIFE to them.

One of the other points I wanted to share was that as a leader we are constantly reminding. Reminding our team that they need to continue on and motivate them to try harder. Remind people that they are loved and cherished. Remind our family and friends that they are important and we care about them. This goes along with being patient and taking time to care for people.

He is so faithful and I'm blessed to know that no matter how many times I go running to Him asking Him to help me and give me strength to know that I may be weak but His Spirit is STRONG in me!
My strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

1 comment:

Janelle Martin said...

This reminded me that we're long overdue for a catch-up session. I want to hear more about this leadership summit! Thanks for sharing, dear.