Saturday, June 21, 2014

How I Met My Mr.: Part 1

One of our first pictures taken together.

When I was younger I had often pondered and dreamed of how I would eventually meet "the one". I often asked questions like: Would I know right away? Do I know him already? Etc.

Well... it happened just like a lot of people said that it would out of the middle of nowhere! Hahaha if you have heard rumors of this before... it does happen!

I can't remember exactly the first time that I actually met him or saw him (this little detail drives me nuts since I love reminiscing). Most likely the reason for that was because I was interested in one of his best friends.

So after a few months... of seeing each other occasionally and hanging out in group settings becoming friends on fb.... our mutual friend left on a missions trip. He had been the only reason that we had hung out prior so I just assumed that we wouldn't hang out anymore. I was really disappointed about that fact since I was starting to get to know this group of friends better.

Well one lovely summer night a week or so after I was thinking I would not hear from or see them in a while I got a random text. I can't quote it exactly but it was very casual and was something like "Hey what are you up to?". I didn't recognize the number but as I was in the back of the car on my way to the movies with my sister Amy (she has been there for almost all of the major moments in Greg & I's relationship). We put two and two together and freaked out. A lot of excitement sparked into my heart. I mean who doesn't want a very good looking single guy to text them and ask them what they are doing??? Not to mention the fact that they want to plan something to hang out in the near future.

Once we started texting it just grew from there. It went from hanging out a couple times to being very uncommon if we didn't do something together. Chit chatting about life, beliefs and values. Understanding a little more about wakeboarding, cows, BMW's and tractors. Learning that tractors and combines are NOT the same thing. (I still don't really get this because you still drive them around out in the field!!!) 

About two months after we started our close friendship we split ways. I headed south to Brazil for missions and he went to Kansas for college. Little did I know what this would do to our friendship....

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Loved reading a bit more about you two! =) Hope you're having a restful summer!