Friday, July 25, 2014

Acts of Love


It's been a crazy first summer of being a housewife.

I've definitely learned to appreciate my mom on a deeper level. She was such a hard worker and majority of the time she had dinner ready or almost ready by the time I got home from work. Not to mention she did laundry and other household duties. Never once did I hear her complain.

I didn't realize how many times I took advantage of that.

Wishing I could take back the times I was frustrated because it was food I didn't really care for or not ready as fast as I wanted it to be.

If you know me... I'm a planner. I like to have an idea of the meals I'm going to be making or a back up that I can do, figure out my evenings of cleaning and other things. However, this summer has just kicked my butt. It might be adjusting to working fulltime and being a wife. Don't get me wrong... I love cooking and taking care of our house it just makes it a little complicated since I sometimes have only an hour to get dinner ready and eaten before Greg heads to work.

This week Greg didn't pick up extra hours. The last couple of weeks he has been working... a lot. So it was a nice and much needed break. That being said he had the whole day off work on a Wednesday. This is a very rare occasion. He had already put in a lot of time doing his homework and preparing for presentations that he decided to bless me.

I went to work thinking of all the things I needed to get done.... not to mention worrying about what I will have to whip up for supper since I had an errand in the evening. Without hesitation I get a text... "I'll make supper tonight". *Whew* one thing less to worry about.

 As I'm on my way home from work I admire that he had taken a lot of time to mow and make sure that the yard looked fantastic. I then go inside to find out he is making lasagna from scratch!! My stomach was growling shortly after. :) About five minutes after I get home, as I'm blabbing on about issues from work and how I brought him some tea he gently stops me and said... "Didn't you notice I cleaned the entire house??!!" I pause and start looking around and start getting all teary eyed. Not only did he clean.. he wiped the baseboards.... swept the basement and mopped all of the floors. The house was spotless.

The time he had invested to doing things for me had made my week!! He then told me I should sit down and read or do whatever I pleased to relax and enjoy. I am so blessed to have a husband who does things he doesn't always like to bless me. He is such an amazing man! Thankful for his continual acts of love!


1 comment:

Natalie said...

He does indeed sound like a blessing! And girl, man, working full time now? I'm sure that's keeping you busy!