Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!!

Intimate Oneness :: Fiery Intense Passion :: Lifelong Indestructible Commitment

Growing intimate oneness with my Father; Passion in life to be bold in my relationships, being a disciple and growing my passion for my husband; always continuing to build our marriage commitment.

It's hard to believe that we are already starting a new year! I love fresh beginnings and setting goals! Somehow the years go by too quickly and we often forget about our goals or they get pushed to the wayside with life.

So this year I'm trying a new approach. I am going to set goals that will stretch, encourage and grow me... but instead of making them so big and dreamy I want to make them realistic and reachable!

This year I'm planning to:

- Be more organized with my schedule to make the best of my time

- Memorize 12 passages from the bible
- Do 12 things to grow my relationship with Greg
- Read 12 books
- Blog at least 25 times (I had 50 down and Greg thought that was a little more bite than I can chew.) It's a goal of mine to grow my blog this year though so with that would come posting more! :)

- I'm also working on incorporating more clean eating and menu planning into our lifestyle.

Here's to a fresh new year and a fresh new start.

What are your goals this year and what are your tips and tricks to achieve them?



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