Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New Chapters...



Looking forward to announce that I'm changing jobs....

Saying goodbye to my nannying days was stressfull and not as easy as I had anticipated. One of my dear friends was hired to take over my job and so the last four days at work was explaining it all to her and showing her everything. That was fun we also got to squeeze in some heart to hearts. It was also stressful trying to make sure I covered everything and to top it all off I had a busy week.

The last day I was going to go in I got sick... and wasn't able to make it. SOOO disappointed! I didn't get to go and say my goodbyes. The other thing was I had volleyball that night... the finals! I slept a lot and still didn't feel very well but ended up going and playing.

This week was my first week out of that... and it has been as if a HUGE weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I felt so free and like I can drink lots of regular coffee and stay up late and do all kinds of things. I think that this feeling will wear off... and maybe only when I officially start my job as Manager of Yogurtworks Cafe' a self serve frozen yogurt place that my parents are starting up. We have been working on all of the last minute things for that and the building should be all ready in the next week or so. I'm super excited about this and looking forward to working with customers and people my age etc. However, I have missed the kiddos already. They were little sweeties and I always enjoyed their hugs!

The best part of all... is my man's spring break starts this weekend!!! That means he will be making the trek home to spend some much needed quality time with me! SOOOOO excited for that. 8 weeks until graduation. This girlfriend is soo ready! :)

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Hope your spring break is loads of fun for you two! And here's to regular coffee again! =D